Sunday, September 4, 2022

Pink Rose Applique Pattern

       Cut and sew the pattern pieces in numerical order. There are no seam allowances made in the drafted pattern above. The rose part of this pattern is made by layering little individual floral motif on top of each other. By these means, only the outer edge of each scalloped motif is actually appliqued to the quilt. In other words, the inside edges of the rose are created by each motif's outer edge.

The rose motif is created by stacking four design elements.

       Trace and cut each shape of the rose separately and then stack these on top of each other in order to create the motif correctly. Don't forget to add an additional 1/8 inch seam allowance to your patterns before drawing around them onto your selected fabric. 

Note how reds and pinks increase in value
towards the center of the rose.

Choose fabrics that have the same effect visually
for maximum visual aesthetic.

       I recommend choosing a monochromatic color set of calico prints for this applique. Make sure that a single color choice varies significantly in value in order to maximize the visual impact of your design. I would not choose calico that has giant printed images for this design, if I were to quilt a historically accurate pattern. Many rose quilt patterns similar to this one were often quilted with solid cotton textiles. A finished quilt with a similar design may be seen below.

Origins of The Pattern's Name? Our use of the English word "rose" comes from Old French and Latin languages. Rose is a general term used to refer to any shrub or vine of the genus of Rosa. There are literally hundreds of "rose" patterns used in applique. Some of these are very stylized and others realistically portrayed. The stylized rose patterns are typically much older in origin. The most popular names for rose patterns in both Colonial America and later years were the Whig Rose and The Rose of Sharon.
      The Whig Rose, named after a political party, has a large blossom at it's center with additional "spinning" or trailing branches of buds, leaves, and or additional flowers growing out of it's central motif.
      A Rose of Sharon "rose" pattern is typically styled after a crocus bloom that is referenced in The Song of Solomon in the Bible. This design does not have long spindle-like branches but short leaves or buds directly connected to it's central flower.
      Many, many applique patterns have since been drafted and misnamed after these classic pattern/ motifs without any consideration for their former design distinctions. In fact, this has become so much the case that one can never rely upon the name of a rose pattern to actually reveal it's design characteristics any longer. You must actually look carefully at the designs to make a distinction between the motifs according to early artistic prototypes while simply ignoring the names given to rose patterns in general.

Sample of the "Pink Rose Applique" with a swag boarder. 

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